The Service des usages numériques (SUN) team supports the development and implementation of the university's pedagogical and digital action plan and enhances the use of digital technologies and media in teaching and research. It aims at helping teachers design and manage quality digital learning content and engaging learning environments for the students.
Since the mid-2000s, the service has focused on developing digital skills and resources among the university staff and students. Its missions have gradually widened to include university teaching as well as the dissemination and promotion of academic research.
The service provides teachers-researchers with expertise in pedagogical engineering and training design. It offers advice, consultancy and training in digital learning as well as higher education pedagogy (support, project management, training of trainers etc.). It also assists the production of audio-visual and pedagogical resources (writing, production and post-production).
Located at the Pierre Mendès-France center, one of the university's many Parisian sites, the SUN’s "PMF-Lab" offers spaces and equipment conducive to pedagogical innovation, including a creativity room, several collaborative spaces and a media studio (with green-screen).
The SUN also manages the Moodle platform - the university’s learning management system - as well as the associated digital tools for teaching and learning: virtual classes, online exams, plagiarism detection, etc.
The university issues a yearly call for projects to support and promote educational initiatives and academic research as well as the dissemination of knowledge and best practices. The Service des usages numériques provides methodological and technical expertise in support of the selected projects and regularly supports initiatives on the national and international scales.
The many departments and their teaching staff at Paris 1 contribute to this future-oriented thinking: developing students’ transversal skills (Pix and Écri+ national projects); innovating with pedagogy at the PMF-Lab; participating in international educational projects within UNA-Europa (Una Europa) and within the framework of Erasmus exchanges (Erasmus+ projects); entering into partnerships with major institutions (UNESCO).
A few examples of such projects:
• Ancient Cities: a European project and strategic partnership in the fields of archaeology, history and art history, focused on the ancient city;
• Malakan: a pedagogical experiment and active pedagogy dedicated to the teaching of English;
• Interactivity in lecture halls: an online collaborative text editor (PAD) and voting system using SMS messages to enhance discussions in large groups;
• Exchanges and proximity, the first law of geography: a MOOC to promote research in the fields of geography;
• Digital culture and skills: a hybrid system to prepare students for the Pix test, a standardized test of digital literacy proficiency for students.
What does a year at the Service des Usages Numériques look like?
2,400 online learning spaces (called EPI for Espace Pédagogique Interactif, ie. online interactive spaces) and 30 projects aiming at:
• Diversifying teaching practices: co-modal education, distance-learning or blended-learning scenarios, SPOC, MOOC etc.;
• Developing transversal skills: computer science, writing competency, oral communication, research methodology;
• Supporting lifelong training and continuing education.
250 video sequences and 75 speakers aiming at:
• Producing high quality educational audio-visual resources;
• Disseminating and promoting teachers’ and researchers’ learning content;
• Developing production as well as co-production partnerships.
80 training sessions (and 10,000 support messages) to help teachers develop digital skills and manage digital tools in order to:
• Facilitate "sharing of practices" and REX workshops;
• Advise teaching staff about higher education pedagogy
• Helping and consulting on the use of digital tools
Meet the team
A department manager, 8 learning designers as well as 4 audio-visual directors and technicians + tutors and student assistants

Centre Pierre Mendès France
31, rue Baudricourt 75013 ParisService des usages numériques
A 806